Free Phonics Lesson Extensions- Volume II
Paint Pails (v2-01)
Long Vowel A (ai)

Write all of the words that have a long a sound on another sheet of

paper. (quail, stain, mail, maid, brain, chain) How many did you

 find? (6) Write the number in the bottom right-hand corner of your

paper. Write four words that did not have the long a sound. (plan,

 mad, clean, ran) How many words have the short a sound? (3)

Write the number in the bottom left-hand corner of your paper.

 Write the silent vowel that follows the long a but does not make

 a sound. (i)

Hay Day (v2-02)
Long Vowel A (ay)

[Write “_ay” on the board or a blank piece of paper before this

 instruction is given.] Write several new words that have the long

a sound. (Answers may vary – say, way, ray, clay, may, pay) Write

 a new sentence using the word “play.”

What Do You See? (v2-03)
Long Vowel E (ee)

Write the three words that have the long a sound on another sheet

 of paper. (spray, chain, plain) Write the two words that have the

 short e sound on another sheet of paper. (shell, well) Write two

 new sentences using two of the words you circled. Write a story

about the picture using the words above the picture.

Jean and Dean (v2-04)
Long Vowel E (ea)

Write the two rhyming words that end in the consonant d on

another sheet of paper. (read, bead) Write the three rhyming

words that end in the ch sound. (teach, beach, peach)

Underline the letters that make the ch sound in each word.

EEEEEK! (v2-05)
Long Vowel E (e)

Write the five words that have the long e sound on another sheet of

paper. (we, he, she, be, me) On the bottom right-hand corner of your

 paper, write how many words did not have the long e sound. (5)

 Write the word that tells you what sound a duck makes. (quack)

Hidden Words (v2-06)
Long Vowel E (ie)

Find some other words in the seek-and-find. Circle them in red.

(be, fed, he, hi, hid, me, silt) Write a sentence using the word “chief.”

(Answers will vary.)

Crazy Crossword (v2-07)
Long Vowel I (ie)

Write the eight words in the crossword puzzle on another sheet of

paper. Underline the letters that make the long i sound in each

word. (lied, tie, tied, tried, pie, flies, dried, die) Write four sentences

 using four of your new words.

Shy Tyrone (v2-08)
Long Vowel I (y)
  Write these sentences and fill in the missing word.
1. A _______ landed on the cake. (fly)
2. The plane files _______. (fast)
3. I see a jet in the _________. (sky)
The Man and the Dog (v2-09)
Long Vowel I (ind)

On another sheet of paper, write three new sentences using the

words in the Word Box.

What a Day! (v2-10)
Long Vowel O (oa)

Write your five new words on another sheet of paper. Circle the

 letters that make the long o sound in each word. (t(oa)d, c(oa)t,

b(oa)t, s(oa)p, l(oa)f) Write the two words that rhyme. (boat, coat)

Oh Deer! (v2-11)
Long Vowel O (oe and o)

Write the four words that have the long e sound on another sheet

of paper. (cream, see, sweep, breeze) Write a sentence using one

 of the long e words. Write the word that has a short a sound.

(cat) Draw a picture of that short a word.

Meal Time (v2-12)
Long Vowel O (ol)

Find other words in the seek-and-find and circle them in red.

(at, bid, Dan, he, loaf, off, old, rot, tab, the, to, too) Underline the

 words in the story that have a short o sound. Hint: There are six

of them. (Mom, Mom, got, potholders, Mom, hot)

Scare the Crows (v2-13)
Long Vowel O (ow)

Write in ABC order the words you did not use to make a scarecrow.

 (aim, creak, fry, job, shot, squeeze, weak) Write three new

sentences using three of the words you used to make the scarecrow.

The New Stew (v2-14)
Long Vowel U and OO (ew)

Write four sentences using four of your new words. Include a

least eight words in each sentence.

When I Am Blue... (v2-15)
Long Vowel U (ou, ui, and ue)

Using the words in the Word Box, write a new story on another

 sheet of paper. Write the words from the Word Box in ABC

 order. (blue, fruit, group, juice, soup, you)

Oodles of Cool Words (v2-16)
Long Vowel U (oo)

Put a line under the long u (oo) sound in each word on your

 worksheet. Write the three pairs of rhyming words on another

sheet of paper. (pool-stool, goose-moose, moon-spoon) Write

a sentence using the word “boot.” Then write as many words

 as you can that rhyme with boot. (Ex: hoot, loot, root, toot)

Find other words in the seek-and-find and circle them in red.

(bun, buns, go, no, on, so, to, too)

Right on Target (v2-17)
R-controlled Vowel ar

Put two lines under the letters that make the r-controlled vowel

 in each word. (The letters ar should be underlined twice in

each word.) Write three sentences using your new words.

Write the following sentences, and fill in the blanks with

your new words.

1. The cows were in the ______. (barn)
2. A ______ swims in the sea. (shark)
3. The sharp end of a ______ can be harmful. (dart)

Dinner Time (v2-18)
R-controlled Vowels er, ir and ur
  Write new sentences using words in the Word Box.
The Corny Fort (v2-19)
R-controlled Vowel or

Write the five words you circled on another sheet of paper.

 (torch, fort, fork, cork corn) Write five sentences using your

 five new words. You should have at least six words in each sentence.

Put Out the Fire (v2-20)

On another sheet of paper, write the five words that have the

same vowel sound you hear in “fire.” (squire, tire, hire, wire, fire)

Use three of your new words to write three sentences.

Spare Square (v2-21)

On another sheet of paper, write the word that did not have the

same vowel sound as you hear in “square.” (splash) Make a

sentence with that word. Write the following sentences, and fill

 in the missing words.

1. The ____ will have her colt next summer. (mare)
2. I saw a _____ jump in the bushes. (hare)
3. The trees had no leaves so they were ______. (bare)

Catchin' Air (v2-22)

On another sheet of paper, write the words that have the same

vowel sound as “chair.” Then underline the letters that make the

air sound. (air, stairs, pair, fair, hair) Write the two rhyming

words that do not have the same vowel sound as “chair.”


Oh, Boy! (v2-23)
Diphthongs oy and oi

Find the rhyming words on this worksheet and write them on

 another sheet of paper. Hint: There are four pairs of rhyming

words. (boy—joy, snore—store, my—try, spare—square)

Check It Out! (v2-24)
Diphthongs ou and ow

Write the seven words from the crossword puzzle on another sheet

of paper. Make three sentences using at least two of the words from

 your list in each sentence.

At Dawn (v2-25)
Diphthongs au and aw

On another sheet of paper, write the pairs of rhyming words from

the Word Box. You will need to drop the d on one word. (cause—

pause, dawn—fawn) Make a sentence for each word that does not

rhyme with another word in the box. (saw, hawk)

All Day (v2-26)
-all and -al

On another sheet of paper, write the three words from the Word B

ox that rhyme. (all, ball, mall) Then make five more words that rhyme

with them. (Ex: call, fall, hall, tall, wall)

My Grandpa (v2-27)
Reading Multi-syllable Words

On another sheet of paper, write a short story about where your

grandparents live.

Get the Swing of It (v2-28)

Make new words that end in ing on another sheet of paper.

(Ex: bring, ding, king, ping, sing, ring, thing)

Quick as a Wink (v2-29)

On another sheet of paper, write six new sentences using the six

words that you did not use to answer the riddles.

Thank You (v2-30)

On another sheet of paper, write the words in the Word Box in

ABC order, (bank, clank, drank, frankfurters, prank, Thank)

Write new sentences using the words in your Word Box.

The Band (v2-31)

On another sheet of paper, write new sentences using the words

in your Word Box. Include at least eight words in each of your sentences.

Mr. Wong's Song (v2-32)

On another sheet of paper, write the five words that you colored

orange in ABC order. (belong, long, song, strong, tongs)

Write sentences using your five new words.

The Bell Has Rung (v2-33)

Write the words in your Word Box in ABC order.

(clung, hung, rung, sung, swung)

Hodge-Podge Lodge (v2-34)

On another sheet of paper, write three new sentences using

 three of the words in your Word Box. Each sentence should

 have at least eight words.

Silly Willy (v2-35)

Write a sentence for each of the seven new words. You need to

have at least eight words in each of your sentences. Underline

 your new words in these sentences.

Happy Birthday! (v2-36)

Write three sentences using your new words. Use two of your

 new words in each sentence and underline your new words.

Ned's Red Guitars (v2-37)
More sounds of ea

Write sentences with the three words that have the long a sound.

 Include at least eight words in each sentence. Then put the three

words in ABC order. (break, great, steak)

4 Square! (v2-38)
More sounds of ou

Find the sets of words that rhyme, and write them on another

 sheet of paper. (could—should—would, shoulder—boulder,


Picture Crossword (v2-39)
More sounds of oo

Write your new words on another sheet of paper. (hook, book,

hood, cook, wood) Now write the three words that rhyme on

the left side of your paper and the two words that rhyme on

the right side of the paper. (hook—book—cook; hood—wood)

Photo Fun (v2-40)
ph and gh

Write sentences using your new words on another sheet of paper.

Underline the new words in each sentence.

Silent Consonants

Find the words that have silent consonants, and write them in

ABC order on another sheet of paper. (comb, eight, knife, scissors,

sign, wrench) Make sentences using the words that do not have silent consonants.

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    Michelle Huang


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