Free Phonics Lesson Extensions- Volume I
Letter Candy (v1-01)
Consonants & Vowels

Write the vowels on another sheet of paper.

 (a, e, i, o, u)

Funny Fish (v1-02)
Consonants & Vowels

Write the ABC’s on another sheet of paper.

Circle all of the vowels and underline the

 consonants. How many vowels are there?

(6) How many consonants are there? (21)

Which letter is circled and underlined? (y)

Super Square (v1-03)
Consonants & Vowels

How many vowels do you see on this page?

(5) How many consonants do you see on

this page? (20) Write all of the vowels

including y at the bottom of the page.

(a, e, i, o, u, y)

Splendid Sounds (v1-04)
Short Vowel Sounds

Draw something else that begins with

an a, e, i, o, and u. Write a word for

 each short vowel sound. (Answers will

vary, and spellings might be incorrect.

 For example, apple may be “apl.”)

Ben's Bedroom (v1-05)
Beginning Consonant B

Underline the words on the work sheet

that have a short e sound in them. (bed,

 pet, ten) Write all of the words that

 begin with a b on another sheet of paper.

Underline the vowel in each word.

(bat, bed, bug, bag)

Delightful Design (v1-06)
Beginning Consonant D

On another sheet of paper, write all of the

words that begin with a d. Underline the

vowel in each word. (dug, den, dad, dog,

did, dot, dip) Write all the words that have

a short i sound in them. (bit, lit, dip, did, it)

How many did you find? (5)

Fix It Fun (v1-07)
Beginning Consonant F

Write a new word for each short vowel

sound. (Answers will vary.)

A Hip Hopper (v1-08)
Beginning Consonant H

Write the words that do not begin with

an h. Then, underline the vowel in each

word. (tug, bet, tag, on, pat, if, bun)

Flying High (v1-09)
Beginning Consonants J and K

Write the two words that begin with a k.

Underline the vowel in each word.

(kid, kit) Write the four words that begin

with a j. Underline the vowel in each word.

 (jet, job, jog, jam)

Leapin' Lizards (v1-10)
Beginning Consonant L

Write two of the words that have the short

a sound in them. (lap, lad, bad, sag, man)

Now write the two words that have the

short e sound. (leg, led)  Then, i and o.

(is, lid, rip, hip); (lot, nod) Make up two

words of your own that have a short u

sound. (Answers will vary.)

Morning Mania (v1-11)
Beginning Consonant M

Write the six m words on another sheet

of paper. (man, mat, mud, mug, mom, map)

Nuts for Ned (v1-12)
Beginning Consonant N

Write the six words that do not begin with

an n. Underline the vowel in each word.

(yet, rib, beg, met, web, mop) How many

words did begin with an n? Write the

number in the bottom right-hand corner

of your paper. (6)

Picture It (v1-13)
Beginning Consonant P

Write two words that rhyme with “pan.”

(Ex. can, Dan, fan, Jan, man, ran, tan, van)

  Write two words that rhyme with “pig.”

(Ex. big, dig, fig, jig, rig, wig)

Rob and Rod Rat (v1-14)
Beginning Consonant R

How many words that you underlined begin

with an r?  Write that number in the bottom

 right-hand corner of your paper. (15) Find

 the word “fat” and circle it. Find the word

“has” and underline it two times.

Sneaky Ship (v1-15)
Beginning Consonant S

Write two words that rhyme with “sad.”

(Ex. bad, dad, had, lad, mad, pad)  Write

two words that rhyme with “sub.”

(Ex. cub, hub, rub, tub)

Ted Turtle (v1-16)
Beginning Consonant T

Write the number of words that begin with

a t in the bottom right-hand corner of your

 paper. (7) Write all of the words that have

 a t in them. Underline the t. (wet, vet, tub,

tin, ten, tan, tip, tap, at, pit, tag) How many

 words did you find with a t in them? (11)

Wendy Walrus (v1-17)
Beginning Consonant W

On another sheet of paper, write the seven

words that do not begin with a w.

(up, bog, but, as, rod, pot, lip)

Zoom! (v1-18)
Beginning Consonants V, Y and Z

How many of the words on this page begin

with a y? Write the number beside the yak.

(5)  How many words begin with a v?

Write the number besides the vase. (3) How

many words begin with a z? Write the number

 beside the zebra. (4) Write the words that

 begin with a y on another sheet of paper.

(yet, yum, yes, yak, yam)

Draw the animal that begins with a y. (yak)

Crazy Corner (v1-19)
Beginning Consonant C

Underline the words that have a short i sound.

(sip, win, dim) Put a box around the words that

have a short e sound. (yes, let) Write the words

that begin with a c - like “cow” – at the bottom

 of your paper. (cab, cap, cup, can, cat)

Purple Primate (v1-20)
Beginning Consonant G

Write all of the words that have the short o sound

in them on another sheet of paper.

(pod, jog, got, cot, bog) Draw three things that

begin with a g on that same sheet of paper.


Missing Instrument (v1-21)
Beginning Consonant Q
Ending Consonant X


Write the two words that end in ox at the bottom

of the worksheet. (fox, box)  Write the two words

that end in ax at the bottom of the worksheet.

(wax, ax)  Underline the vowel in each word.

Name That Picture (v1-22)
Beginning Consonants

Write three rhyming words on another sheet of

paper. Underline the vowel in each of the words.

 Circle the consonants. (Ex. (b)u(g),(h)u(g),(b)u(g))

Double Time (v1-23)
Ending Consonants

On another sheet of paper, write a new sentence

 using a word in the Word Box.

Mystery Picture (v1-24)
Ending Consonant S and Plurals

On another sheet of paper, make the following

words plural by adding an s: “bell,” “hill,”

 “dad,”“bed.” (bells, hills, dads, beds)

Match 'Em (v1-25)
Ending Blends lk, ft, lf,
lm, lp, lt and mp

On another sheet of paper, write the new words

that you made. Underline their ending consonant

 blends. Hint: Look at the Blend Box for help.

 ( camp, gift, elf, silk, help, quilt,) Make a sentence

using one of your new words.

The Elk and the Ant (v1-26)
Ending Blends nd, nk,
nt, pt, sk and st

Write the new words you made on another sheet

 of paper. Underline their ending consonant


 Hint: Look at the Blend Box for help.

(went, sunk, pond, ask, kept, best)

Mini Stories (v1-27)
Beginning Blend bl, br, cl, cr, dr
fl, fr, gl, gr, pl, pr, sc and sw

Write the five new words you made in the first

 story on another sheet of paper. Underline their

beginning consonant blends. Hint: Look at the

first Blend Box for help.

(glad, clams, swam, crab, blast)

Picture Blender (v1-28)
Beginning Blends sk, sl, sm, sn, sp
st, tr, tw, scr, spl, spr and str

Write a new word for each blend on another

sheet of paper.

(Answers will vary. Ex: skin, slip, etc.)

Chuggin' Choo Choo (v1-29)
Consonant Digraph ch

Write the words that begin with the ch sound

 on another sheet of paper. Underline the letters

 that make the ch sound in each word.

(chip, chill, chat, chimp, chick) Write the words

that end in the ch sound. Underline the letters

that make the ch sound in each word.

(witch, catch, sketch, patch)

Picnic Party (v1-30)
Consonant Digraph ck

On another sheet of paper, write the five words

that end with the same sound as you hear in

“sock.” Underline the two consonants that

 make the k sound. (brick, lock, sock, duck, rock)

Splash! (v1-31)
Consonant Digraph sh

Write the words that begin with the sh sound

– as in “shell” – on another sheet of paper.

Circle the sh sound in each word.

((sh)ip, (sh)ell, (sh)ack, (sh)ot,

(sh)ock, (sh)ut, (sh)op)

Rockin' Thad (v1-32)
Consonant Digraph th

On another sheet of paper, write the five words

 that begin with the hard th sound.

(then, this, than, them, that) On the same sheet

of paper, write the four words that end with

the soft th sound. (path, bath, math, broth)

Whispering Whales (v1-33)
Consonant Digraph wh

Find other words in the puzzle and circle

 them in red. (Ex: sit, sick, hip, we, he, hen)

Sam Shrimp (v1-34)
Consonant Digraphs shr, squ and thr

Write the six new words on another sheet

of paper. Underline the consonant digraphs.

Hint: Use the Digraph Box for help.

 (shrimp, thrill, squid, squished, throb, shrugs)

Maze Madness (v1-35)
Silent e

How many words had a long vowel sound

 because of the silent e? Write the answer

 in the bottom right-hand corner of your

paper. (5) At the bottom of your paper,

write the words that have a short vowel

sound. (pin, patch)

Ann and Abe (v1-36)
Long A and Short A Vowel Sounds

How many words have a long a sound?

Write the number in the bottom right-

hand corner of your paper. (11) How

many words have a short a sound?

Write the number in the bottom left-hand

corner of your paper. (9)

Ned and Pete (v1-37)
Long E and Short E Vowel Sounds

Find more long e and short e words in a

newspaper and cut them out. Divide a sheet

of paper into two columns and paste the short

e words in the left column and the long “e

words in the right column.

Mike and Mick (v1-38)
Long I and Short I Vowel Sounds

On another sheet of paper, write the words

 that begin with the b sound. (bib, bike) On

 the same sheet of paper, write the word

that has a br sound. (brick)

The Hole Story (v1-39)
Long O Vowel Sound

Discuss the words in the Word Box. Give

an example of a gem (Ex: diamond, ruby,

sapphire, emerald). Then, ask where gems

 can be found.

 (Ex: jewelry, treasure chests, crowns, etc.)

Bud and June (v1-40)
Long U and Short U Vowel Sounds

At the bottom of your paper, write the two

rhyming words that have the long u sound.

(tube, cube)

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    Michelle Huang


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