目前分類:自然發音 (8)

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ABC(字母), Phoics(自然發音), Topic(主題), Story&Prop(英文故事小書和主角圖片列印), Nursery Rhymes(韻文), Flashcards(圖卡列印)…等還蠻豐富的哦!可直接自行下載!

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    Phonics games will help your child to practise sounding out words, which will help them to read. Initially, children will learn basic letter sounds, such as "c-a-t" for "cat". Later they will move on to sounds such as "th", "sh" and "ch", then "oo", "oa" and so on. Once they recognise a few basic letter sounds, they will be able to work out what a written word says for themselves, a skill which they will be very proud to show off!

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Grade K

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A Gold Mine of Phonics and Phonemic Awareness Worksheets
Below are links to 56 phonics and phonemic awareness worksheets

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Learn to read, write, spell & speak English with phonics & Instant Sound

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 Starfall.com, Where children have fun learning to read! 

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